The School Video Stimulus Package | | Print | |
Written by Barry Starlin Britt |
FOR educators, by Educators What do you think? Will it create jobs? More importantly, will the education portion of the bill create jobs? I can’t control the outcome of other features of the bill, but I can say that we together as those working in education CAN positively effect the results. Getting over the “what’s in it for me?” Is it to make sure the money goes where it should? Is it to benefit the teachers and students with the latest technologies and hardware? Is it to make sure that purchased equipment and software is fully utilized? Is it to make sure teachers and students are well trained as an investment of its use? Is it to actually create jobs both short and long-term to stimulate our economic growth? It should be all the above. The good stewards After some brief observation or sometimes even candid expression from an administrator who has unfortunately inherited multi-million dollar lawsuits brought on by incompliance, misuse of funds, and, the purchases of hardware and software that no one knows how to use, do find themselves in a brand new dilemma. The good steward, as many I have encountered especially those district and regional technology coordinators have been wise to see the need to issue policies on training, compliance and other areas that help to unite their own site-based force as responsible recipients of such a prize. Possibly the opposite of a good steward would be the irresponsible lottery winner who blows their money, or a spoiled teenager who wastes their money – and comes back only to need more. As educators, I’m sure we’ll not only set the standard, but will raise the bar by turning our loan into short-term jobs, and perpetual careers with a highly trained work force that exceeds other countries. Speaking of China It’s not enough now to keep up with the U.S. standards for education. Nor is it enough to compete with our affluent and prestigious local district neighbors. Now, we must prepare our students for global and friendly competition. In a more recent trip the past January to the BETT Conference in London (, I discover that not much has changed, in that the U.K. is still running a couple of years ahead of the U.S. in technology within education. By embracing social networks an our ability to do class and student projects with the U.K., India, China and other countries, we can find ourselves and our students fused into the network and up-to-speed quite quickly.
Hiring the hackers Global expansion By bringing such values to the customer, you are able to hire more sophisticated customer service staff to help execute these objectives. And now for you part When I started in education in 1996, it took a lot of money in those days to have a video studio, editing software and not to mention, server space to house video and other on-line and digital resources. Today, hardware and new technologies are less expensive and in the true form of the trends, will probably continue to get less expensive, bigger in memory and smaller in size. True, less fortunate school systems are in desperate need of computers, workstations and other hardware but once in place, furnishing these technological accommodations is for the most part an inexpensive cost. So, where should the money go? Training. The training of the teachers and students on the resources will be a vital part of the process. Many times when grant money or other financial resources for education come along, the resources exist but teachers and students do not have the training on proper use. By making a further investment into training, you can’t go wrong. Those billion dollar babies Do you see those 17 year-old eyes looking at you in the class? Look deeper, and see the shine. It’s the glimmer of hope reflecting an idea for the future. We need to just assume that the students know far more technologically than we do. We’ve all heard the terms of digital natives and digital immigrants, but how do we act as the spring to catapult the business ideas that sit stale in the minds of our students? Honestly, the current situation stands that many will not be able to go to college nor get a job when high school is completed. So, in order to jump-start the current economy and fuel it for the long haul, we need to help these students uncover their business ideas, start their own company based on their interests, and perhaps even employ others. What I’m saying sounds very idealistic, but in reality – it’s simple, and it works. Just look at our billion dollar babies such as Google, MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube and others, to see that big dreams are achievable. Many students have great business ideas – and there lies the future of your economy. However, if they do not know how to start a business, incorporate, conduct internet marketing, ensure compliance and security along with all the other aspects of running a profitable business, then the ideas will go nowhere. However, with our investments into technology and proper training, we can not only spark these ideas to come out of our students, but will also help provide them with the training they need to execute those ideas. Herein begins our fruitful economic recovery and ongoing legacy. And if for some reason the stimulus package does not go through for education, we will continue doing what we have been doing all along to help seniors today make jobs tomorrow, and we invite you to partner with us in these efforts. Ask not what your country can do for you… Barry S. Britt is the co-founder of Soundzabound Royalty Free Music in Atlanta, GA.
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